Friday, September 2, 2011

Pet peeves

There are things that I've likely taken greater notice of in the last few years b/c of this Polymyositis...and some have become pet peeves of mine. They really drive me crazy.

There are not enough handicapped parking spots, esp if you need a wheelchair.

There are too many people using the parking spots that don't need them...i.e. they use someone's temporary placard to park. This takes away the parking spots from those who really do need them. I only use them when I have to, despite having a permanent tag...and, if I can park somewhere that's not labeled handicapped, but I can still get out w/a wheelchair, then I do, leaving open the others for someone who might come behind me.

Motorcycles that park illegally, blocking ramps for vans/wheelchairs. Walmart in Cabot is horrendous about this. It got better after I sent a letter/complaint to the Cabot police office, but it's started back up again.

Grass that won't mow itself. Have a feeling this is a "pet peeve" I'll have to learn to deal with.

People that tell me how great I look when I feel horrible!

Stores that have the isles of things so close together, that you can't get your wheelchair through it. It's hard enough to walk through it w/my cane.

and, so many others. Guess I need to learn to deal with things.