Monday, April 19, 2010

"Vacation Time"

I took a week off of work! It is the first time I've taken any "real" time off of work since being off for all those months in 2007/08 when I was first diagnosed. I had planned on taking Mik out of school for a couple of days and just going somewhere ....anywhere. But, I had totally not thought about her having benchmark testing at school. It was okay, though. I was so tired all the time, and I really did need to be able to have some time to just rest. Ha Ha. I'm not sure that I actually had that rest time! I had a week of NO doctor's appointments! Can't remember the last time that happened. The carpets got cleaned :) yeah, no more doggy smell! Terminix again says we are termite free for another year. The yard didn't get done, but the guy that is suppose to do it says w/in the next 3 weeks I'll drive home and see a beautiful yard. And, last but def not windows are clean...on the outside. Thank you Tammy. Don't know how much she enjoyed cleaning my windows, but I enjoyed spending time visiting with her. Of course, Mik and I did spend quite a bit of time together....and we spent too much time at Walmart. I need to go back to work just to stop spending money!

As for a myositis update...well, there really isn't much to say. We've made a request from the makers of Rituxin to provide the drug free of charge since my insurance has refused to pay for it and has denied the appeals.
I did get a new PCP. Very nice lady...I really liked her...esp when she wanted to prescribe something she said that she needed to call my Rheumy first to make sure it was okay. :) She did a bunch of lab work and then I got a call saying I was anemic and my B12 was low, so now I'm on iron pills daily and B12 injections daily.
My swallowing studies came back...guess muscles are weak. Duh! Did we have to do the studies to come to that determination? I believe that is what I said when I went in for the appointment. Anyway, the doctor prescribed Reglan....4 times a day. I've not read good things about this, I have not started it yet. I want to wait until I can talk to my other two doctors that have been with me since the beginning of this journey, and that I trust. I have appointments with both this week.

And, that would be it for now...

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