Sunday, August 8, 2010

Pain Management!

Finally! We found a pain management specialist to manage my pain medications. All I can say is "It's about time!" ha.

I'm feeling pretty good today, which is unusual given that my next IVIg treatment is only 1 1/2 weeks away...usually by now I'd start feeling weaker and just "blah" by now. Buy, hey, I'll take it :)

House is up for sale. I've decided to start working on my PhD and have been accepted into the program to do so...So, I'll be busy, working full time, school, being mom...and polymyositis. The PhD program is a new "self-directed"'s very interesting to me. Since my body is so worn out by the time I get home in the evenings, I though that this might give my mind something to do while my body sits and rests. I hope this was a good decision. If not, well, I can always call it quits, right? not that I've ever done that!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Yay and yay!! Congrats on the pain management, the house listing, and the acceptance to the PhD program! I think these are all great choices. Did A ever get registered for school?