Friday, August 5, 2011


Well, my lab results from yesterday indicated an elevated CPK level. Kinda expected that as I've been feeling the tired muscles. Doing simple things such as getting dressed felt more like marathon workouts. I'm having trouble holding a hairdryer to dry my hair.

After my two IVIg infusions, it came back down again, but it's obvious it's climbing between infusions. So, Dr. Lowery is taking the weekend to read the latest research just to see if there is anything new out there (don't think there is), then she will call me next week with options. I made many options that did not include restarting prednisone. Hm. Wonder if she'll listen to me.

This so wasn't in the plan. My plan anyway. Guess God has a different one.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I really hate to hear this, Tracy. I will be praying for new options that do not include prednisone. I know how glad you were to finally get off that drug. Hang in there, friend. There's a bigger picture in all this...somewhere. :-) ~K