Friday, August 31, 2012


Got me if I even spelled that right.  But, I've got it now.  Thank you methotrexate, thank you immune system.  Wonder what my immune system has against my body?

The coughing is driving me crazy.  Three months of it now.  Shortness of breath.  Fatigue.  The pulmunologist made me start back on steroids to get the inflammation down in my lungs.  Don't think it's working. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Pneumonia, Bronchitis, and other fun stuff

I had a little annoying cough for a couple of days so I called the doc to let her know since it was getting close to the time for my IVIg treatment.  She wanted me to come in and see my GP, have a chest x-ray done and hold my methotrexate until further notice...just to rule out anything.  So, I did and ended up being told that I had pneumonia and bronchitis and told I couldn't go to work until further notice (stay away from people or you could catch other things).  So, for the last 9 days I've been at home going crazy.  I did finally get permission to go back to work on Monday.  I'm not looking forward to the stack of stuff I'll have waiting for me to do.  I had my IVIg yesterday and today.  My CPK levels were elevated.  I'm assuming that's b/c of two, I had to with hold the methotrexate and two, I've been fighting off this pneumonia and bronchitiis.  Also, my liver enzymes are elevated.  Not sure what that means yet, but Dr. Lowery's office will call on Monday.  They've been elevated before so I'm not too concerned. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Polymyositis, CPK levels, and WBC

It's been awhile since I've written anything just b/c things have been about normal. Whatever that is when you live with Polymyositis.  Every month I go in to have my lab work taken and my CPK levels are elevated.  Not super, super high...but I can generally tell you they're going to be high.  Then, I have my IVIg treatments and my CPK levels go back down to close to normal.  Hardly ever do they actually get normal, but they're so close to it I'll count it.  Then the cycle starts all over. 

My doctor said something in one of our appointments, or maybe it was one of her notes that I read, that I was at baseline.  That kind of made me sad really.  While I've come a long way from when I was diagnosed, I'm no where near where I was (physically).  I was still wishing for more improvement.  I mean, in my heart I knew that after this long, I'd probably progressed as much as I'm going to and now every thing is to maintain and not get worse.  Still it was hard to hear it.  I mean, I still have difficulty lifting "heavy" things (heavy is a relative term here), get off balance quite often, can't walk long distances or  in places that aren't level/etc...on and on.  But, I can walk (most of the time), I can dress myself, I can feed myself...I guess it's all good. blah.

Doc said that my white blood count was a bit low last month.  Not too worried right now.  With the combination of medications I'm on may cause my WBC to drop long as it doesn't stay low or doesn't get too low we'll be okay.  Otherwise, we have to start playing with medications...and since my polymyositis is resistant to medications, that's not something I want to do.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Stress, Polymyositis and other stuff

What a week.

I wonder how stress affects the symptoms of Polymyositis? I was reading somewhere else where it was talking about those diagnosed with Polymyositis had some type of stressful/traumatic type of event that triggered the onset. Now, if I think back, I did have an extremely, over the top stressful month prior to becoming ill. But, as with all things, there were just as much being said about all those diagnosed without the stress as a, it remains unknown.

What we do know, however, is that stress can trigger relapses of symptoms. So, I wasn't surprised when my CPK levels were on the high side when I had my lab work done this week. The week prior has been crazy stressful.

While my van is in the shop, I've rented a car for the weekend. Okay, so I realize I still need my conversion van, even if I'm not in the wheelchair. Getting in and out of a car is nearly impossible. I did it, with much difficulty. (But, I sure like the gas mileage better on a little car).

Mik had her first formal last night. She's growing up too fast. Before I know it she'll be moving away :(

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Jan 2012

Welcome to 2012.
Started out the new year with IVIg treatments. Insurance approved another year of treatment. My CPK levels were slightly elevated, but not much and came down to normal right after my treatment this last week. Lab work also showed that liver enzymes are elevated. Heck if I know what that means though.

Oh, and, another good start to the new year...had to buy a new dishwasher and have mega repair done to the van today. I'm officially more than broke as of today.