Friday, June 22, 2012

Pneumonia, Bronchitis, and other fun stuff

I had a little annoying cough for a couple of days so I called the doc to let her know since it was getting close to the time for my IVIg treatment.  She wanted me to come in and see my GP, have a chest x-ray done and hold my methotrexate until further notice...just to rule out anything.  So, I did and ended up being told that I had pneumonia and bronchitis and told I couldn't go to work until further notice (stay away from people or you could catch other things).  So, for the last 9 days I've been at home going crazy.  I did finally get permission to go back to work on Monday.  I'm not looking forward to the stack of stuff I'll have waiting for me to do.  I had my IVIg yesterday and today.  My CPK levels were elevated.  I'm assuming that's b/c of two, I had to with hold the methotrexate and two, I've been fighting off this pneumonia and bronchitiis.  Also, my liver enzymes are elevated.  Not sure what that means yet, but Dr. Lowery's office will call on Monday.  They've been elevated before so I'm not too concerned. 

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