Sunday, March 21, 2010

2 in 7 Million

Because of where I work, I have access to some of the latest medical journals/etc. So, recently I started looking through them and reading various things about Polymyositis and some of the most recent research. I read in one of the articles that there are 2 cases in every 7 million (approximately) people diagnosed with Polymyositis.

I guess I didn't realize how "rare" polymyositis is. I mean, I've read online of other's stories...and there does seem to be plenty of us out there.

A few days ago I had to have a biopsy done b/c during one of the "routine" cancer screens I now have to do annually came back abnormal. The doctor, trying to be reassuring, said not to worry, "it's not common for women your age to develop this type of cancer."

I wanted to yell at him...don't tell me what's "common" and not common for me...I mean, if "common" meant anything, I wouldn't be living with Polymyositis now!

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