Saturday, February 27, 2010

Another unknown world

It appears, to me, that when you have an autoimmune disorder you are at risk of developing other autoimmune disorders and, of course, other illnesses. Side-effects of medications that are suppose to be helping you cause even more problems. It is a never ending cycle.

I have cushings syndrome due to the side-effects of the steroids.
My vision has been affected...not badly, but I get to wear glasses to read/etc.
My hair falls out by the hand-fulls. I'm assuming this is b/c of the imuran or the methotrexate. Luckily, I have very think hair.
Raynaud's syndrome...not sure what's caused that...steroid use maybe?
Steroids have def caused weight gain. 50lbs total so far. It really is miserable to be overweight. I need to lose at least 35 to be at an "ideal" weight, according to me doctor. But how do you do that when you can barely walk or lift things. Just taking a shower feels like a workout.

Well, the pain has been so much worse. My doctor thinks I may have yet another illness. Of course, my risk for this was higher due to the use of steroids. Avascular Necrosis. I don't know much about it yet...only that it causes severe pain and causes the "bone to die"? It isn't official yet. I've had xrays. Next are MRIs. Then...well, I don't know. Just another leap into this unknown world.

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