Wednesday, July 14, 2010

ER Visit

Monday evening I took a fall in the kitchen. When I hit the floor, I knew that I had hurt something pretty badly...thinking I may have even broken my hip. So, Mik called for an ambulance...the fire trucks made it first. Nice guys, but wouldn't move me until the ambulance got there. Once the ambulance got there, they got me onto the stretcher...once they moved me off of my hip, that helped to relieve some of the pain...but not enough to make me send anyone on their way! (BTW...ever have firemen and ambulance crew trying to do their jobs when you have a curious 13 year old in the way...and a curious dog in the way??)

I've never actually been in an ambulance before. You know, for someone who is in pain and hurting...I don't recommend riding in the back of an ambulance. If something wasn't broken already, I was sure it would be by the time we got to the ER!!

But, if you want to get a bed in the ER quickly, the ambulance is the way to go...I got in right away. Still felt like way too long before they finally got me pain meds, but I'm not real sure how long it actually was. The good news...the x-rays showed no breaks or fractures. The bad news...I'm in pain and it feels like the bone is bruised. Can that be?

I have some wonderful friends. Tammy and Brian met me at the ER, stayed and drove me home. I don't remember much of that (pain meds working!) Tammy stayed the night to make sure all was okay. Laura from work also met us at the ER and stayed until we left. She was great too...I was glad she was there...def made things easier.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I'm so glad I found your blog...again. Wow! What an ordeal. I'm glad nothing was broken.