Saturday, September 18, 2010

Some Improvement!

Thursday and Friday I had my IVIg treatment for the month. Thursday I saw Dr. Lowery and she did the tests she does to see if my strength has improved any...truthfully, I think I could just tell her and it would be more accurate, but whatever lol...anyway, she said according to her little tests, it was better than last month. I'd say that was in line with my own experience. I've been walking a bit more...even able to push the vacuum myself. I was able to lift my arms over my head, though I couldn't hold them there for any length of time.

The bad news...because of insurance I might be forced to find a new doctor at the first of the year. I'm pretty upset by that. I think there is a lot to be said in having a good working relationship with your doctor...and I love working with Dr. Lowery. She is wonderful. And, for me to say that about a doctor means a lot as I'm generally very critical of doctors. She knows my disease...she knows what works, what doesn't...she's been with me from the beginning of this fight. I do not want to go to some other doctor who doesn't know anything about polymyositis (even if they think they do). I shouldn't be forced to go to doctors at the facility where I work (they're the only doctors covered by my insurance). I just want MY doctor, Dr. Lisa Lowery.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Bobblehead dolls

Bobblehead dolls...know what I'm talking about? Those dolls that have the heads that bobble back and forth. That's what I feel like today. A bit of neck muscle weakness I suppose. I was talking to someone yesterday and in the middle of the conversation I was gasping for was weird. But, I guess that is, again, some lung weakness.

My CPK levels, after my last IVIg, were lower...closer to normal, but not close enough to get Dr. Lowery to decrease the Prednisone. that evil drug. ha. Given how the weakness is in my neck today, I'm assuming that my CPK will be a bit higher when I go back for IVIg (1 1/2 weeks now). But, I haven't fallen and I'm still walking around the house and some at work...just not really far distances. Since it's starting to get a bit cooler outside I thought I'd see about using the walker and try walking down the street a little and increase that a bit at a time...just see what I can tolerate. I suppose, though, that some of that will depend on CPK levels.