Sunday, October 24, 2010

new doctors, starting over

Since I work at the same facility that my new doctor works, I was able to pull strings to be seen sooner. So, tomorrow I see my new doctor for the first time.

I'm trying to think of the positive things about this. Here is one...the new doctor is just down the hall and down one floor from my office. So, I won't have to be gone from work much to see the doctor.

She's never treated polymyositis.

I still want Dr. Lowery back. Her office called me with results from my labs, following my IVIg. My CPK levels were a bit higher than last month, but still in the normal ranges. That's two months in a row! So, I get to decrease my Prednisone again :) yeah! And, Dr. Lowery said I can always come back to her if we get insurance worked out.

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