Thursday, December 16, 2010

2010 Review

Well, its' been three years. Actually Jan. 1st will be three years to the day that I came home from the hospital. Sometimes I get frustrated with the limitations I have, but if I sit and think about the progress...there really has been, esp in the last few months. My CPKs were normal for two months (Sept and October). November was a little high, but not too bad really. Lab was drawn this morning, so I'm hoping that will return to show it as normal too.

I ran the vacuum for the first time in three years. I had not had the strength to push it. But, I was able to do so about 2 months ago. you know, I really don't like to vacuum. ha.

I've been able to walk more. A little longer over time. I still get tired, though. It still boggles my mind how I can walk from the bedroom to the living room and feel like I just ran a marathon! Hopefully it will continue to get better.

I still hate the weight gain that came with all the medications! I sure wish I could get rid of some of the excess weight.

Overall, I guess it's been a good year as for Polymyositis, even with the setbacks here and there.

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