Saturday, December 4, 2010

Distal muscles

Polymyositis affects your proximal muscles (those closer to your trunk, hips, shoulders, etc). That's been typical for me as well. Though when at my worse I did have some weakness in my hands...I couldn't open things, my handwriting became bad, etc. But, that improved over time as well. Lately, though, I've been having pain in my hands and fingers. By lately I mean several months, but it seems to be getting worse...or it feels worse to me. Making typing harder to do...I keep having to correct things...and, it simply hurts.

I'm kinda tired of the pain. I don't like taking pain medication all the time, yet I don't particularly like being in pain either. If I thought the pain meds were a temporary thing it would be one thing...but this is obviously not a temporary condition.

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