Saturday, February 19, 2011

Walk a mile in my shoes

That's the saying, right? I think last week I walked a mile or so in my own shoes for the first time since being diagnosed with Polymyositis. Okay, so it wasn't all at one time, but I've done more walking than normal these last couple of weeks. My body isn't really all that happy with me!

My CPK levels were near normal again. That's 6 months! :) I'm decreasing prednisone again. *jumps up and down* (if only I could ha)

Pain issues continue. So, Dr. L. suggested a "guided steroid injection into the hip" area. I was all for it. I mean, it's a steroid shot, how bad can that be, right? Well, then she started explaining it to me and showing me how long the needle is! Oh my! Um, I'm not so sure about this. It does have to be done in the hospital (outpatient) and she said that "usually" they give you something to put you out, but at a minimum they'll numb the area. Even if it's numb, you'll still feel it. I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to this now. Which pain do I want less?

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