Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas

Christmas day is in just two days. I did 99% of my shopping online this year. The thought of walking through stores and being pushed around was a bit overwhelming. Nice to just have things delivered to the door. Now if only someone would clean the house, cook dinner...and bathe the dogs (they're filthy). Life would be almost perfect.

Dr. L. lowered my methotrexate a tiny bit due to some possible side effects. I'm not convinced it was b/c of the methotrexate, but it could have been...we shall see. My CPK numbers are close to normal, but she's determined that I can't back off of the IVIg just yet. So, we start the process of gaining insurance approval for another year. I suppose the insurance could always deny it...then, I don't know what we do. Well, she did mention the possibility of trying Cellcept again. But, since I ended up in the hospital both times I took it, I'm not optimistic on that one.

I'm still able to walk around with a cane. Around the house I practice without it, but I lose my balance a lot. Thank goodness for furniture to grab, otherwise the floor and I would get to know each other quite well. I'm determined, though, to eventually be cane free again.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Merry Christmas dear friend!!! I am so proud of your determination and progress. You look wonderful!! Oh, sorry. I forgot you don't like me to say that. LOL I'm thinking 2012 will be a great year for us. :-)
