Monday, January 24, 2011

5 months "Normal"

Went in for my monthly IVIg and had my blood work done. My CPK was close to normal again. That's 5 months in a row. I know it isn't normal, but it is just soooo close I'm counting it as normal! I'm still tapering my prednisone. Each decrease makes me tired! Tired isn't really the right word for it. Extreme fatigue, if you can imagine, but I'm not slowing down this taper! I want off of the prednisone. As it is, it will be 10 more months before I'm completely off, if everything goes right. Then, again if everything is going right, we will talk about tapering the IVIg infusions.

My strength seems to be holding its own for now. I'm walking a bit more, slightly longer distances. It's amazing how tired you get from just walking. But, I know that will get better. I also have to remember to get up and move at work...if I sit too long doing something, I get so stiff and sore that getting up and moving is hard to do. So, I try to get up and walk down the hall at least every 30ish minutes or so.

Goal for 2011...totally come off the Prednisone! and start the IVIg taper. And, do all this while maintaining control of this disease!