Saturday, November 20, 2010

Feeling lost

Yesterday I finished my November IVIg treatment. This was my first treatment with my new doctor. The infusion clinic staff were super nice.

But, I just want to return to Dr. Lowery.

Thing is, when I was with Dr. Lowery, I knew exactly where I stood as far as my health...CPK levels, etc.

This new doctor, she didn't even order lab work. I have no idea what my labs look like. Have no idea how high my CPK levels climbed to before I had my IVIg this, how am I suppose to know if I can decrease the steroids this month or not?

She really hasn't a clue how to treat ME.

I need to figure out how I can return to Dr. Lowery.

In the meantime, I'm about out of pain medications. The pharmacist has faxed the refill request to the doctor twice in the last week and the doctor hasn't replied. I've called the office twice and am told to have the pharmacy fax in the request. So, yeah. Things can never be simple, can they.

I'm sick of all this.

and, I'm already sick of holiday stuff.

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