Thursday, November 11, 2010

Good days just lead to bad days

Last weekend was a nice weekend. I was feeling pretty good. I woke up not feeling tired...first time in a long time I actually felt rested. I cleaned house and went to the grocery store. I most all afternoon and put a few meals in the freezer. That was Saturday. Sunday was church and hanging out with Mik. Monday through Wed. was work. I got home late two nights (later than usual, but not really late). I had today off (holiday)...and woke up tired and hurting. I ran some morning errands but was home by 11:30, put dinner on the stove to cook for the afternoon and then crashed on the couch. Tired and hurting. My hips feel like my bones are grinding together. My back muscles are painful and in knots.

IVIg is scheduled for Thurs and Friday of next week. I hope it can get this back to a bearable level.

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