Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pain Med Free

I've not taken pain meds since around Feb 25. Not totally pain free, but it is tolerable. My right hip, where I had the steroid injection, has actually been mostly pain free. The hip itself is fine, the muscles in my thighs have been throbbing if I walk too much or something, but I'm hoping that will improve over time. I am having periods of time of no pain...quite nice :) Wish it was more often, but I'll take what I get!

Decreased my prednisone again. Probably why I'm feeling so fatigued right now. I'm going to try and just work through it instead of going back up for another week. I'm hoping the fatigue passes.

Strength seems to be still slowly increasing. Doctor says to work on range of motion in my arms as I seem to have lost some of that. Still can't lift legs on my own...I mean, I can walk, but to lift them onto the couch, or to lift it high enough to step into the van...well, I have to use my hands to lift it up. I guess you use different muscles to move different ways. I was mopping the floor the other day and flashed back to trying to do that just a year ago...pushing the mop was impossible for me! I still don't like to mop, but I'm glad that I have the ability to do so right now!

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